Glossary of Water Well and Groundwater Terminology

Explore words and their meanings common to water wells and groundwater.

Basic Concepts

  • AbioticNon-living chemical and physical factors in the environment.
  • AdsorptionThe adhesion of molecules or particles to a surface.
  • AerationThe process of increasing the oxygen saturation of water.
  • AlluviumSediment deposited by flowing water, often containing groundwater.
  • AnisotropyVariation in hydraulic conductivity in different directions within an aquifer.
  • Coliform BacteriaA group of bacteria commonly found in the environment, used as an indicator of water quality.
  • Hydraulic GradientThe slope of the water table or potentiometric surface, driving groundwater flow.
  • InfiltrationThe process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil.
  • IsotropyUniformity in all orientations; opposite of anisotropy.
  • PercolationThe downward movement of water through soil and rock.
  • RunoffWater that flows over the land surface and into streams and rivers.
  • SeepageSlow movement of water through soil or rock.
  • Static Water LevelThe static water level is the level of water in a well when the well is not being pumped.

Groundwater and Aquifers

  • AquicludeA geological formation that does not transmit water.
  • AquitardA less permeable layer that restricts the flow of groundwater from one aquifer to another.
  • Artesian PressureThe pressure that causes water in a confined aquifer to rise above the top of the aquifer.
  • Artesian WellAn artesian well is one where water flows to the surface naturally due to pressure in the aquifer.
  • Confined AquiferAn aquifer that is bounded above and below by impermeable layers.
  • Confining LayerA layer of rock or sediment that restricts the flow of groundwater.
  • Ephemeral StreamA stream that flows only during or immediately after rainfall.
  • FissuresCracks in rock formations that can store and transmit groundwater.
  • Fractured AquiferAn aquifer where groundwater moves through cracks and fractures in rock.
  • GroundwaterGroundwater is water stored in the pores and fractures of underground rock formations.
  • Groundwater BasinA geographic area that contains a connected groundwater system.
  • Groundwater FlowThe movement of groundwater through the pore spaces and fractures in rocks and sediments.
  • Hydraulic ConductivityHydraulic conductivity is a measure of how easily water can move through porous materials and is crucial for determining well performance.
  • Hydraulic HeadThe total energy per unit weight of water, comprising elevation, pressure, and velocity heads.
  • HydrogeologyThe study of groundwater and its interactions with geological formations.
  • Impermeable LayerA layer of material through which water cannot pass.
  • KarstA type of landscape formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks, often featuring sinkholes and underground streams.
  • Lateral FlowGroundwater movement parallel to the Earth's surface.
  • OverdraftOverdraft occurs when water is pumped from an aquifer faster than it is recharged.
  • Perched AquiferA localized zone of saturation above the main water table, created by an impermeable layer.
  • Potentiometric SurfaceThe level to which water in a confined aquifer would rise if unimpeded.
  • RechargeGroundwater recharge is the process where water from precipitation and other sources infiltrates the ground and replenishes aquifers.
  • Recharge AreaA region where water infiltrates the ground and replenishes an aquifer.
  • Unconfined AquiferAn aquifer that is directly open to the surface and whose water table can rise and fall.
  • Vadose ZoneThe area between the ground surface and the water table, also known as the unsaturated zone.
  • Water TableThe upper surface of the zone of saturation, where groundwater pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure.

Hydrogeological Processes

  • Capillary FringeThe subsurface layer where groundwater seeps up from a water table by capillary action.
  • Catchment AreaThe area from which rainfall flows into a river, lake, or reservoir.
  • Geophysical LoggingThe process of recording the physical properties of rocks and sediments in a borehole.
  • GrabenA depressed block of land bordered by parallel faults, often filled with sediment.
  • LithologyThe physical characteristics of rock or sediment.
  • MacroporeA large soil pore that can transmit water rapidly.
  • PiezometerAn instrument used to measure the pressure of groundwater at a specific point.
  • PrimingThe process of filling a pump with water to remove air and allow it to function.
  • Tracer TestThe use of a dye or other substance to track the movement of groundwater.
  • TransmissivityThe ability of an aquifer to transmit water, equal to the hydraulic conductivity times the saturated thickness of the aquifer.

Water Quality

  • ChlorinationThe process of adding chlorine to water to disinfect it.
  • Dissolved OxygenThe amount of oxygen dissolved in water, important for aquatic life.
  • EffluentWastewater discharged into the environment from a treatment plant or industrial process.
  • LeachateContaminated water that has percolated through a landfill or other waste material.
  • MethemoglobinemiaA condition caused by high nitrate levels in water, reducing the blood's ability to carry oxygen.
  • pH LevelA measure of the acidity or alkalinity of water.
  • TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)A measure of all dissolved substances in water.
  • TurbidityA measure of the cloudiness or haziness of water, often caused by suspended particles.
  • UV DisinfectionA method of water purification that uses ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms.
  • Water SoftenerA device that removes minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, from water to prevent scaling.

Water Treatment and Purification

  • BackwashingThe process of reversing the flow of water to clean a well screen or filter.
  • ChlorinationThe process of adding chlorine to water to disinfect it.
  • Reverse OsmosisA water purification process that removes contaminants by using pressure to force water through a membrane.
  • UV DisinfectionA method of water purification that uses ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms.
  • Water SoftenerA device that removes minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, from water to prevent scaling.

Water Well Equipment

  • Air Lift PumpA pump that uses compressed air to lift water from a well.
  • BailerA device used to remove water or sediment from a well.
  • Centrifugal PumpA pump that uses a rotating impeller to increase the pressure and flow of water.
  • Check ValveA valve that allows water to flow in one direction only, preventing backflow.
  • Discharge PipeThe pipe through which water is discharged from a well or pump.
  • Drop PipeThe pipe that extends from the wellhead to the pump in a well.
  • Electric Submersible PumpA pump that is submerged in water and uses electricity to lift water from a well.
  • Foot ValveA valve at the bottom of a well pipe that prevents backflow and keeps the pump primed.
  • Gravel Pack ScreenA screen placed in a gravel pack to prevent fine sediments from entering the well.
  • LinerA pipe inserted into a well to prevent collapse and improve water flow.
  • Mud Rotary DrillingA drilling method that uses drilling mud to lubricate the bit and remove cuttings.
  • PackersDevices used to isolate sections of a well for testing or treatment.
  • Perforated CasingA well casing with holes to allow water to enter.
  • Pitless AdapterA device that allows water to flow from a well to the surface without a hole in the casing above the frost line.
  • Pressure TankA tank that maintains water pressure in a well system.
  • Pump CurveA graph showing a pump's performance characteristics, such as flow rate and head.
  • Pump JackA mechanical device used to lift water from a well.
  • Sand PointA shallow well driven into sand or gravel.
  • Solar PumpA pump powered by solar energy.
  • Static HeadThe vertical distance between the water level in a well and the point of discharge.
  • Submersible PumpA pump placed underwater in a well to push water to the surface.
  • Thief PumpA small pump used to remove water from the bottom of a well.
  • Tremie PipeA pipe used to place materials, such as grout, at the bottom of a well.
  • Turbine PumpA pump that uses a rotating impeller to lift water from a well.
  • Vent PipeA pipe that allows air to enter and exit a well system to prevent vacuum or pressure buildup.
  • Wellhead Protection AreaA designated area around a well to protect it from contaminants.

Well Construction and Components

  • AnnulusThe space between the well casing and the borehole wall.
  • BoreholeA narrow, deep hole drilled into the ground to access groundwater.
  • Casing SealMaterial used to seal the space between the well casing and the borehole wall.
  • Clay LayerA fine-grained, impermeable layer that can act as a confining layer for groundwater.
  • Cone of DepressionA lowering of the water table around a pumping well.
  • DrawdownDrawdown is the difference between the static water level and the pumping water level.
  • Gravel PackGravel placed around a well screen to prevent fine sediments from entering the well.
  • Jet PumpsJet pumps are used for shallow wells and are mounted above the ground.
  • LinerA pipe inserted into a well to prevent collapse and improve water flow.
  • Mud Rotary DrillingA drilling method that uses drilling mud to lubricate the bit and remove cuttings.
  • PackersDevices used to isolate sections of a well for testing or treatment.
  • Perforated CasingA well casing with holes to allow water to enter.
  • Pitless AdapterA device that allows water to flow from a well to the surface without a hole in the casing above the frost line.
  • Screen Slot SizeThe size of the openings in a well screen, determining what size particles are filtered out.
  • Well CapA cover placed on top of a well casing to prevent contamination.
  • Well DepthThe total depth of a well from the surface to the bottom.
  • Well LogA detailed record of the geological formations encountered during drilling and the construction details of a well.
  • Well ScreenA well screen is a filtering device at the bottom of the well that allows water to enter while keeping out sand and gravel.

Well Maintenance and Testing

  • BackwashingThe process of reversing the flow of water to clean a well screen or filter.
  • BailerA device used to remove water or sediment from a well.
  • Borehole CameraA camera used to inspect the inside of a borehole or well.
  • Drawdown ConeA cone-shaped depression in the water table around a pumping well.
  • Flow MeterA device used to measure the flow rate of water.
  • HydrofracturingA process of injecting water at high pressure to increase the flow of groundwater to a well.
  • JettingThe process of using high-pressure water to clean or develop a well.
  • Monitoring WellA well used to observe groundwater levels and quality.
  • Pump TestA test to determine the capacity and performance of a well and pump.
  • Slug TestA method to determine the hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer by adding or removing a known volume of water in a well.
  • Specific CapacityThe rate of water flow from a well per unit of drawdown.
  • Specific YieldThe ratio of the volume of water that drains from a saturated material due to gravity to the total volume of the material.
  • Test HoleA small-diameter hole drilled to obtain information about subsurface conditions.
  • Well DevelopmentThe process of removing fine sediments and drilling mud from a well to improve water flow.
  • Well RehabilitationThe process of restoring a well's flow and water quality, often through cleaning and repairs.
  • Yield TestA test to measure the amount of water a well can produce.