Thermopolis, Wyoming Drillers and Service Providers

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Locate expert water well drillers, groundwater, and drought information in thermopolis, Wyoming. Whether you're installing, repairing, or maintaining a well, trust our listings for professionals.

Interactive Water Well Map – Estimate your new well's depth

Visit the Thermopolis Water Well Map to view the water, irrigation, and geothermal wells.

Water Well Professionals in Thermopolis, Wyoming – Water Well Drilling, Service, and Treatment

Saddlehorn Drilling Inc.
2510 Hamilton Dome Rd
Boelens' Well Services
1480 Arapahoe St
Dave Newton Drilling Inc
Ward's Well Services Inc
115 E Washington Ave
Nucor Drilling, Nucor Oil & Gas
4424 Skylane Ave
Western Well Services
511 S Federal Blvd
Lou's Drilling

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Water Well Map Widgets

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Water Well Terminology

Pitless AdapterA device that allows water to flow from a well to the surface without a hole in the casing above the frost line.

Learn about more terms in the glossary.

Thermopolis Statistics

AquifierLower Cretaceous aquifers
Rock FormationSandstone aquifers
Well Information*
Well Depth-- (ft)
SWL-- (ft)
Bedrock Depth-- (ft)
Yield-- (gpm)
* Average within 5km
Drought Monitor
March 18, 2025D2 
March 11, 2025D2 
March 4, 2025D2 
February 25, 2025D2 
February 18, 2025D2 
February 11, 2025D2 
February 4, 2025D2 
January 28, 2025D2