St George, Utah Drillers and Service Providers

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Locate top-notch water well drillers, groundwater, and drought information in st george, Utah. Whether you need a new well, repairs, or regular maintenance, find experts through our listings.

Interactive Water Well Map – Estimate your new well's depth

Visit the St George Water Well Map to view the water, irrigation, and geothermal wells.

Water Well Professionals in St George, Utah – Water Well Drilling, Service, and Treatment

DrillRite LLC.
Crimson Ridge Dr
Affordable Water Well Witching
Anzalone Drilling and Pumps LLC
Jim Petersen Pump and Well Service
Last Drop Drilling and Pump
2642 S 11900 W
Earth Technology INC

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Water Well Map Widgets

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Water Well Terminology

Centrifugal PumpA pump that uses a rotating impeller to increase the pressure and flow of water.

Learn about more terms in the glossary.

St George Statistics

AquifierOther rocks
Rock FormationUnknown
Well Information*
Well Depth-- (ft)
SWL-- (ft)
Bedrock Depth-- (ft)
Yield-- (gpm)
* Average within 5km
Drought Monitor
March 18, 2025D3 
March 11, 2025D3 
March 4, 2025D3 
February 25, 2025D3 
February 18, 2025D3 
February 11, 2025D3 
February 4, 2025D3 
January 28, 2025D2