Keddie, California Drillers and Service Providers

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Welcome to your top source for water well drillers, groundwater, and drought information in keddie, California. Whether you need a new well, repair services, or routine maintenance, find reliable professionals here.

Interactive Water Well Map – Estimate your new well's depth

Visit the Keddie Water Well Map to view the water, irrigation, and geothermal wells.

Water Well Professionals in Keddie, California – Water Well Drilling, Service, and Treatment

Dickens Drilling Inc
189 Danny Ct
Smith's Pumps
472-205 Johnstonville Rd
Lake Forest Mutual Water Co
478-220 Lake Forest Dr

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Water Well Map Widgets

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Water Well Terminology

Catchment AreaThe area from which rainfall flows into a river, lake, or reservoir.

Learn about more terms in the glossary.

Keddie Statistics

AquifierOther rocks
Rock FormationUnknown
Well Information*
Well Depth158 (ft)
SWL41 (ft)
Bedrock Depth-- (ft)
Yield21 (gpm)
* Average within 5km
Drought Monitor
October 8, 2024D0 
October 1, 2024D0 
September 24, 2024D0 
September 17, 2024D0 
September 10, 2024D0 
September 3, 2024D0 
August 27, 2024D0 
August 20, 2024D0